A Cool Ruler with Terrible Name (A Review): The MoxieRule Bullet Journal Rule Planner Ruler for Journaling and Planning

Greeting BuJo Bandits! Gotta say I’m pretty pleased with how much traffic this site has gotten over the first 48 hours. Waaaaay beyond my expectations. Thanks so much for stopping in. Now, to reward you I will subject you to a review of a ruler. Yup, we Bullet Journalists are a bunch of lunatic party animals! WOOOHOOO! RULERS!!!! Okay, okay, take a seat, settle down. I know you weren’t expecting to read reviews on this site. Hey, I didn’t expect to write one. But this came in the mail yesterday so I thought I would tell you about it. My site, my rules! There is no law in this place!

What’s In A Name?

In this case, ten words. According to it’s listing on Etsy, this is called… well, here:

Kinda reminds me of Sean Connery’s equally silly name in Highlander –
Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez

That name is probably just a wonky keyword mashup to help people find the listing. She seems to have trademarked the word MoxiRule, but the ruler itself is labeled Moxiedori Journal Rule. I’m going to call it the Moxiedori because it sounds delightfully close to oopsie-daisy or hunky-dory, both of which just made us all feel a bit silly inside when we read them.

A BuJo-Centric Ruler

Okay the number of nonsense words in this review just keeps growing. Maybe I shouldn’t write reviews. This is getting out of hand. Moving on!

The Maxiedonkey

The Okie-Dokie is a ruler designed specifically for Bullet Journaling. Along each side there are 40 numbered rows which are scaled to match exactly with the 5mm grid commonly used in bullet journals. If you are using a Lechalsdkfarn 1917 (Shush – You don’t know how to spell it either), then the scale of this will match up perfectly in your book. This is nice, because it means no more counting out rows when you’re trying to make sections or boxes or whatnot in your BuJo.

Lining up perfectly in Frankenlog

One very nice feature of the Humpydumpty Rule is that it shows you how to divide your journal page into 2,3,4,5,6, or 7 equal rows.

Columns in the middle are guides to create evenly spaced rows.

I thought it was going to be a problem that the ruler has 40 lines and my book only has 38, but I noticed that all the section divisions end on row 40. That means I can just put the last line of the ruler (40) on my book’s last line and move upwards to create the even rows.

Seven Easy Pieces! How’s that for an obscure reference?

You can technically use it sideways as well, but you lose some of the magic since most of the scales are too long to fit. For example, you can use the four-section scale, but you’ll only be able to fit three columns across. Not a big deal though, as the ruler was clearly designed primarily for vertical use. It would have been FRIGGIN’ AWESOME if the designer had put a horizontal scale on the other side, but I’m sure it’s a lot more work to print on both sides of the plastic.

My pinky finger looks funky in this pic, but not like Denzel Washington funky.

What? Yes! I said plastic! The Ringyrosie is made from a light and flexible plastic. It’s very bendy and bounces right back. Observe.

FWAP! Unbendy! Presto BuJo!!!

I wanted to see if it would pick up ink off my pen, so I dragged my LePen across the edge several times while intentionally trying to mark it up. No dice! The Achy-breaky stayed a pristine white.

Now the question is… will it fit in the back pocket of your A5? Looks like it’s a bit too long…

But it actually fits fine. Put a little angle on that bad boy and it fits in with juuuust a wee bit of peaking out.

Like a teeny tiny bit. Like you can’t see it when the pocket’s fully flat.

Final Thoughts

I am very pleased with the Chunkymonkey Journal Rule. It’s lightweight, flexible, fits in the back of my book, and makes it much easier to plan out designs. You also can’t beat the price, at $4.00 plus about $3.00 shipping. Yeah, it’s just a thin piece of plastic, but the utility it provides seems totally worth the price to me.


Thanks for tolerating a review for my second blog. I have absolutely no idea what sort of nonsense I’ll be posting here, so stay tuned!

10 thoughts on “A Cool Ruler with Terrible Name (A Review): The MoxieRule Bullet Journal Rule Planner Ruler for Journaling and Planning

  1. I was all excited to begin with about this ruler, thinking ‘I must have one right away!’ But as I continued reading I realised that it would be far more useful to have the horizontal partitions on the other side. It’s a kinda half-useful implement!


    1. I like it because its small, flexible, and easy to fit in the back of the book. If I already had a small ruler, I might think twice before buying. But since I didn’t, I’m happy to have picked up the Oompa-Loompa. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Let’s find out!!! Testing now… AND IT’S GOOD! I just used a fat Sharpie and make a little line on one of the short edges to test. It dried very quickly and doesn’t rub off, so that’s very cool. In all honesty, I probably won’t go through the effort of drawing out a horizontal scale on the back even though it’s a good thought – only because it’s not important enough to me to make the effort (lazy guy, right here!)
      But I do appreciate the thought and thanks for the suggestion!


  2. Loved this. Your reviews are quite entertaining and this one was more useful than the one about gumballs 😂
    I mean, what? They are all useful 😅🤣

    Liked by 1 person

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