Frankenlog is a single Bullet Journal spread that serves as a Monthly Log, a Weekly Log, and a task list with up to 5 daily habit trackers and 5 weekly habit trackers. It was my solution to needing more space in a monthly log, and I’m sharing it here in case you might like it.

Why The Name?

I named it Frankenlog on a whim, because it is made up of a bunch of parts of other logs and collections – just like Frankenstein’s Monster!

The Full Skinny

I was introduced to Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journal system in September of 2018 and I was immediately hooked. I loved the mindfulness of the system and how it slowed my mind down. The act of writing things down made me pay more attention to what I was doing and it has done wonders for my short-term memory.

When I set up my first journal, I just followed the tutorial on the official Bullet Journal YouTube channel. Immediately I was worried that one line per day in the Monthly Log did not seem like enough space, and one page for all my monthly undated tasks looked restrictive. Sure enough! Two days in, I found myself out of space. My favorite part of bullet journaling is the Daily Log and the limitless space that comes from being able to grab the next blank page… How could I capture the same level of freedom while still utilizing a pre-made spread design?

The Birth of Frankenlog

After several days obsessively scribbling grids/boxes/shapes/whatnot in the back of my new journal, I finally settled on a system that would meet my needs. A system that allows you to use as many of its lines as you like for any given day; that allows you to schedule a repeating event without having to write it out more than once; that allows you to schedule tasks that have to be done during a given week but not on any given day; that allows for basic daily and weekly habit tracking that you can see at a glance; that provides the benefits of weekly logs without the need to create them. Frankenlog was born!

Poke Around

Take a look at “How It Works” to learn how to make and use your own version of Frankenlog. Then come back and tell me about your tweaks so I can write about it in the “FrankenBlog.” Heh. See what I did there?

Thanks for visiting! I hope Frankenlog can do for you what it’s done for me.